The Power Of Helping Just One Person Shifts The Entire Energy Of The Planet
– Catherine
I am a highly intuitive, positive lightworker and healer. I am a Holistic Life Coach, Intuitive Counselor and Twin Flame.
Dark Night of The Soul..from DF Perspective During Awakening!
Channeled Message from DM and DF seeing the Blessing of the Connection! PART 2
Twinflame Channeled Message: DM and DF Understanding the Blessing Beyond Separation
Breaking through Illusions on the Twinflame Journey!
What is triggered in you by others, is what eventually inspires in you!😇
Let's Talk About Twin Flame Triggers!
Soulmate Sunday 6/28/20 Twin Flame Energy Check-in!
Hamster Wheel of Healing
Do you find yourself on this endless hamster wheel of healing wondering if this cycle will ever end? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Life is not meant to be experienced as an endless journey of needing to fix or change something about ourselves. Life is meant...
My Insights on the Twin Flame Journey
Lesson #1 once you are on this journey, there is no turning back. You cannot go back to the person you were before no matter how hard you try. Try as you may through all the tears, fighting, kicking and screaming to hold on to the person you were before, at the end of...
Shine! Shine! Shine! Let Your Infinite Light Shine!
The holidays are a magical time of year filled with colorful light displays, decorations, magical nostalgia, and feelings of joy, love, and peace in our hearts. It's a time to spend with those we love and create new and everlasting memories! Shine! I recently had an...
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American Fitness Professionals Associates

Disclaimer: As a client of Catherine @ Infinite Soul you are certifying that you are of a legal age of 18 years. Catherine can provide you with a multitude of healing practices and services, but clients are highly encouraged to seek the advice of a trained Medical Provider about any health concerns. As a licensed FNP and her integrative life coaching background, she can offer suggestions for alternative healing practices, but will not diagnose or suggest any medical treatments outside of the holistic umbrella on this site or during sessions.
The coaching sessions should not replace or be used as a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial, or psychiatric advice.
Readings are for the primary purpose of entertainment and there are no guarantees. I do not give people exact timelines, as people have free will and the energy is always changing. When it comes to readings and your Twin Flame, I do not give 100% confirmation on yes/no this is your Twin Flame. What I can do is tap into the joint energy you both share with your person regardless of the label, but will not say with certainty this is your Twin. Deep down only you know within yourself what is true for you.
I am here as a vessel to channel from the Divine….we all hold the answers within us. I am blessed to be given this divine gift and my sole purpose is to assist you in discovering your own unique gifts.